
Madrai ni Jaina

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Madrai ni Jaina

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Moica na Servings:
450 lako Jaina me baleta 4 bananas
2 Na yaloka
120 lako Bata
200 lako 00 Sara na kena valawa
1/2 sepuni Vurumemea cinnamon
1 pinch Salt
6 lako Baking vurumemea ni keke
3 lako Vakasaqa Soda
tovolea Lemon wainimoli

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  • 75
  • Veiqaravi 6
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Na madrai ni Jaina sai koya e dua na plumcake ni Jaina kana vinaka, flavored vakamamada ena vurumemea cinnamon, ivakarau tudei ni so na vanua ni Anglo-Saxon (Amerika kei Ositerelia) vanua e sa vakamai na katalau se na brunch.

Na ikalawa


Crush with a fork the pulp of 3 se 4 very ripe bananas and sprinkle with a few drops of lemon juice not to make them blacken


Put the soft butter and sugar in a bowl and whisk until you get a frothy mixture, then add the two eggs, mix the ingredients well and add a pinch of salt. Stir in the crushed bananas and mix everything.


Kena itinitini, sift the flour, baking powder and baking soda and add to the mixture, veivakauqeti tikoga. Flavour with half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder.


Butter and Flour a plumcake mold of about 24x12x7 cm and pour the mixture (whose volume should not exceed 2/3 of the mold)


Bake at 180 ° C for about 60 na miniti. To check the baking of the banana bread do the test of the toothpick, which must be dry.


Serve the banana bread sliced ​​cold or lightly heated in the oven or with the toaster.

You can add drops of chocolate in the mixture, otherwise nuts or chopped hazelnuts. The banana bread can be cut and sliced ​​and frozen in convenient single portions to be defrosted when needed.

Na ivolalailai ni icakacaka railesu

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