
Шоколадым Брауни

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Шоколадым Брауни

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Adjust Servings:
265 g Dark Chocolate
4 Eggs
175 g whole peeled Hazelnuts
135 g (room temperature) Butter
135 g 00 Flour
255 g Sugar
1 pinch of Salt

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  • Vegetarian
  • 50
  • Serves 6
  • Easy




Брауни, шем тӱсан квадрат, пич да шоколад гыч сухофрукты лыге да тул лапаш! Кугыеҥ ден йоча-влакым йӧратем, сӱрем але лугымо шере йӱла чӱчкыдын тиде американ сливкам мороженыйым ванилян. Тудым ойлена, мом нуным ямдылаш икымше гана лийын 1892 чикагошто, кунам, ярмиҥга годым кугу чапым шотышто америкым почмылан 400 ий, йодмашым пуэн шкемын лӱм дене кугу чинан ристо палмер шеф-повар десерт ыштымаште, тудын шотышто мо сай уло наҥгаеныт ола, лавыран тувырым налаш але тендан кид деч посна окато. Кызытсе икмыняр вариант, правил семын, лишыл деке кондышо брауни софт консистенция-аш торт, шун руашышке гаяк кодын: куанен, да, но оригинал огыл брауни, кодеш шкежат кӱкшӧ парня улмо!



To prepare the brownies, start coarsely chopping the chocolate and put it to melt in a bain-marie; make sure that the water in the saucepan does not come into contact with the chocolate placed in the bowl.


When it is almost melted, add the soft butter into chunks. Stir carefully until it melts too, then remove from heat and allow to cool, stirring occasionally.


Meanwhile, cook the hazelnuts in a preheated 180 ° oven for 8 minutes. Then remove from the oven and leave to cool, so as not to burn yourself, then chop very coarsely and keep aside.


Now place the eggs in a bowl, да, starting to beat them with electric whips and add the sugar. It is not necessary to whip the mixture: continue to beat only until the sugar has melted. Then add the salt, and let it melt too. Always with the whips in action, add the mixture of chocolate and lukewarm butter. As soon as the chocolate is mixed with the mixture, stop beating. Place a fine-mesh strainer on the bowl and sieve the flour. Mix with a spatula until it absorbs evenly, then add the hazelnuts now cold and blend them too.


Grease and line with baking paper a rectangular pan 35X27 cm (or a square baking pan 30X30 cm) and pour the mixture, leveling it with a spatula to distribute it evenly.


Bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° for 25 minutes, then take it out and leave aside until it is completely cool. At this point, make your cubes by making 5 horizontal and 5 vertical cuts at an identical distance to obtain brownies of the same size!

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