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Saluyukeun Servings:
600 g Chickpeas precooked
100 g Siki wijen
150 g cai hot
1/2 lemon Sari buah
30 g Minyak wijen
1 séndok Paprika Amis
1 cengkéh Bawang bodas
mun rasa uyah
mun rasa hideung Lada
1 tuft peterseli

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Anjeun kedah lebet atawa ngadaptar mun tetengger / favorit eusi ieu.

  • Bébas zat gluten
  • Healty
  • cahaya
  • vegan
  • vegetarian
  • 13
  • fungsi 4
  • gampil


carana make


Dinten ieu kami bakal angkat ka Wétan Tengah pikeun ngenalkeun anjeun kana salah sahiji resep vegetarian gancang anu paling terkenal: hummus. Seueur nagara nyatakeun kabapakanana, tapi asal pasti masih kanyahoan ayeuna. Éta mangrupikeun salah sahiji persiapan anu pangkolotna sareng paling nyebar sapanjang jaman di sadaya nagara Arab, hatur nuhun kana kesederhanaan bahan na. Krim anu enak, kalayan raos anu khusus: lemes sareng aromatik, kusabab ayana cépeas sareng tahini, tapi ogé rada haseum kusabab ditambahan jus lemon anu masihan kasaimbangan anu leres pikeun resep ieu. Hayu diri anjeun ditawan ku piring anu serbaguna ieu pisan, biasa ngiringan felafel, atanapi salaku nyebar. A ciwit paprika haseup sareng hummus anjeun sacara harfiah bakal ngajepat nalika aperitif!



To prepare the hummus, start by peeling the garlic clove, divide it in half to remove the inner core and proceed by chopping it very finely.


Then take the sprig of parsley, rinse it, dry it and chop it too finely.


Proceed by preparing the tahini (you can also use the one on the market if you prefer): pour the sesame seeds into a non-stick pan and toast the seeds over low heat for 2-3 menit. Then transfer them to the special suribachi (the typical Japanese bowl) and use the surikogi to mix and crush the toasted sesame seeds. If you don't have these tools, you can use a mixer. Start pounding and only after a few moments add the sesame oil, saciwit uyah, hot water and continue to mix. If you prefer a denser tahini, you can add more toasted sesame, if more liquid, add more seed oil or hot water.


Then add the precooked chickpeas, drained from the preservation liquid and continue mixing and pounding.


Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and add the garlic, chopped parsley, salt and pepper again and mix again.


Once the humms is ready, you can flavor again with fresh parsley, smoked paprika and a little more seed oil, then your hummus is ready! Serve it as an appetizer along with fragrant bread bruschetta or for a Middle Eastern themed dinner with azimo or lightly toasted Arabic bread!

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