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Ts'aiko'on ti' a páawo'ob ts'aa:

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Raciones ajuste:
600 g Garbanzos precooked
100 g Neek' sésamo
150 g Ja' hot
1/2 K'aab limón
30 g Sesame Oil
1 cucharadita Pimentón ch'ujuk
1 Clavo Ajo
Je'el bix uts'ta t'aane' Ta'ab/jok'en
Je'el bix uts'ta t'aane' Ts'ulubmay box
1 Penacho Perejil

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  • Ma' gluten
  • Healty
  • Sáasil
  • Vegano
  • Vegetariano
  • 13
  • K'a'ana'an 4
  • Chéen ch'a'abil




Bejla'e' ko'on jump'éel náachil u Oriente ka'a utia'al Ka'abet ti' jump'éel ts'iibil vegetarianas rápidas asab conocidas: hummus. Ya'ab noj lu'umilo'obo' reclaman u paternidad, Ba'ale' u k'aaba' exacto láayli' u desconoce bejla'e'. Jach juntúul ti' le preparativos asab úuchben ka extendidos ti' le k'iin ti' tuláakal le noj lu'umilo'obo' árabes, Óolal ti' Jaajal le simplicidad u ingredientes. Ki'o' crema, yéetel juntúul sabor jach t'aana' ku: nets ka aromático, debido a le meyajo'ob ti' garbanzos yéetel tahini, Ba'ale' xan ligeramente su'uts' debido a adición k'aab limón ku ts'aik u equilibrio adecuado le receta. Cha' u conquistar tumen le lako' jach versátil, utilizado utia'al u láak'intik felafel, wa bey juntúul propagación. Jump'éel jump'íit pimentón ahumado yéetel u hummus literalmente ku romperá ichil u aperitivos!


U meentik

To prepare the hummus, start by peeling the garlic clove, divide it in half to remove the inner core and proceed by chopping it very finely.

U meentik

Then take the sprig of parsley, rinse it, dry it and chop it too finely.

U meentik

Proceed by preparing the tahini (you can also use the one on the market if you prefer): pour the sesame seeds into a non-stick pan and toast the seeds over low heat for 2-3 minutos. Then transfer them to the special suribachi (the typical Japanese bowl) and use the surikogi to mix and crush the toasted sesame seeds. If you don't have these tools, you can use a mixer. Start pounding and only after a few moments add the sesame oil, jump'éel jump'éel jump'éel jump'éel ta'ab, hot water and continue to mix. If you prefer a denser tahini, you can add more toasted sesame, if more liquid, add more seed oil or hot water.

U meentik

Then add the precooked chickpeas, drained from the preservation liquid and continue mixing and pounding.

U meentik

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and add the garlic, chopped parsley, salt and pepper again and mix again.

U meentik

Once the humms is ready, you can flavor again with fresh parsley, smoked paprika and a little more seed oil, then your hummus is ready! Serve it as an appetizer along with fragrant bread bruschetta or for a Middle Eastern themed dinner with azimo or lightly toasted Arabic bread!

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